
 Our baby turned ONE the beginning of May! What a crazy, fast year that was! He got into a great sleeping routine and once he was mobile was a much happier baby! He just always needs to be on the move! We celebrated at Oma and Opa's and Garrett got his own cake that he just wanted to eat the whipped cream frosting off of.

My parents had a big tree in their backyard cut down so we went over and watched one afternoon. It was cool and I could have sat and watched that all day. There was one guy up in the tree with ropes and pulleys and a chainsaw and he'd cut small sections and then a guy on the ground would hoist it down and then throw it in the grinder. Pretty slick setup they had.

The boys really kicked up the fishing and went to Kleiner Park many times. They got real good at catching and Spencer didn't mind holding them.

Spencer and Nate had a neat experience, our friends kid has a training dirtbike with training wheels and they invited them to go test it out one night. They had a blast and Spencer now thinks he needs one.

We had all the nephews over one day and Nate took us all to go launch rockets. The launches were impressive, I kept losing them in the sky, they were going so high! The boys loved chasing them down once they landed.

Spencer had kinder graduation, drive thru style! Not the way we planned or wanted the year to end but the teachers and school did a great job trying to still recognize all the kinder graduates. We made him a dinosaur themed cap and Kade thought he needed one too. We let Spence stick his head thru the sun roof to say hi to all his friends and even to accept his "diploma". He thought that was pretty awesome. One thing I love about his school culture is that the people go ALL OUT for celebrations of any sort. I mean all the cars were totally decorated with balloons, streamers, window paint, signs, plus the music blaring, honking, they just know how to have a celebration! 

We went to visit my grandma's grave at the veteran's cemetery over Memorial day. I love to see all the flags on the graves. Garrett was entranced by all the flower, pin-wheels, and other exciting things at the headstones.

We made another trip up to elephant rock because the boys think its the coolest.

Nate made it to the 3D archery range a few times and did pretty good!

We worked REALLY hard in May to just knock out the rest of the painting inside the house and we DID IT! It was sooo much hard work and we still have some touch ups we need to go back and fix but we finished! It looks SO much better and it WAS worth it but sheesh...what a feat!

More from May.

Shingles update.

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