
 Nate and my dad took the boys to a reservoir they'd been scoping out for a while. It was a long drive and a late night but they had a ton of fun, caught some big fish, made plans to go back, and did/have multiple times now!

Spencer played his first organized sport (he was supposed to play spring soccer, but that didn't happen thanks to COVID). He played t-ball! His best buddy was on his team and they were hilarious and totally oblivious to anything else, it was totally adorable! They played 2 games a week for something like 7 weeks and I really enjoyed watching him and I hope he'll want to play again.

We had out first experience with a broken bone! One morning Nate and Kade were wrestling around on our bed, Nate threw Kade and he stuck his arm out to catch himself and then he just let out a cry that made us know something was wrong. He immediately started babying it, didn't want to move AT ALL and just laid on our bed for about an hour whimpering and holding his arm. Nate called our previous bishop who works in orthopedics and asked him what we should do. We really appreciated him!! He called the place and warned them we were coming so that when they got there they got called right back for x-rays and sure enough, buckle fractures to both the ulna and the radius. Poor Kado! They put him in a splint and ace bandaged it with a sling and told us to come back in 2 weeks. Since this had happened right before lunch time, and it had been about 4 hours, Nate told Kade he'd get him an orange milkshake (those are Kade's favorites) when they were done at the doctor. So they get in the car to go get milkshakes and Kade vomits all over himself and the car seat. I think the adrenaline finally slowed down. It was a rough day for him!

It didn't slow him down!

We went back 2 weeks later and they hard casted him. Luckily they had orange! The blessing part of it was that the orthopedist we were seeing specializes in legs. The lady there that day who was the one doing the casting specialized in hands and arms! We felt lucky because the doctor warned us that the cast may fall off, ha. But she did a great job and she did say this was probably the smallest cast she'd ever done.

We went back to the yurt!! The same one we went to in 2014 when Spencer was 6 months old! I'm so glad we made it up there! The Rice's came up for the day on Saturday and the dads went to scope out their hunting spot. The rest of us went on hike/walks, played games, dug in the sand, laid in the hammock, ate junk food and relaxed. Spencer did great biking in, we still required a few trips for Nate and Opa back and forth. It was fun and we just hope Oma can make it next time!

loved riding through this beautiful aspen grove!

Other pictures from the month.

Spencer's artwork for the public works contest, he got an award and won a pass to the rec center!

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