This baby is ALREADY 3 months old???
How did that happen? I swear just last week we were bringing him home from the hospital! And then just yesterday we were celebrating his first Christmas and he was barely a month old!
I know 3 months is not that old, but it means in 3 more months he will be 6 months old!
And in 9 months he will be 1!
I know EVERY parent says it, but time is going so so fast!
He is definitely not a newborn anymore...
But I will say I am loving how much more interactive he is becoming.
He is smiling more and more and trying so hard to laugh and giggle but so far has only successfully completed that in his sleep.
He also does NOT like to be held like a baby (laying down) anymore! He wants to always be sitting or standing so he can see what's going on. He is getting very strong and tries SO hard to sit up when he's laying down. He can get himself up onto his elbows but doesn't quite have it figured out how to get up the rest of the way, or how to not fall over. But he wants to really bad!
He has started getting more vocal, mainly when he's frustrated that he can't sit up. But sometimes he will coo and 'talk' just to talk. He is especially moan-y and talk-y when he is nursing. Goofy kid.
For 2 weeks in a row he had blowouts as soon as we walked into sacrament meeting. You would think I would have learned from the first one to always carry a spare outfit, but I didn't and Nate had to drive home and change him both times.
My least favorite thing is that he has started projectile-spitting up a TON. Usually about an hour after he eats he would just project large amounts of clear/white liquid. On Sunday, February 9 it was especially bad. He puked a ton all over the kitchen floor and then got extremely pale and lethargic. When I grabbed him out of Nate's arms he had puke all over his face, his eyelids had turned purple, and he was very clammy.
We called the doc and they didn't seem too worried about it since he wasn't running a fever but we did take him in the next day just to be cautious. Nothing helpful was determined by this appointment so we've been watching him closely and so far that has not happened again. But while we were at the doc they weighed him and he was 13.5 lbs. He has gained 2 pounds in a month! What a chunk!
I think it's safe to say we will not have to fight taking away the binky when he gets older because I have given up on it completely. But he has started loving sucking on his hands or my hands!
He is starting to fit into more 3-6 month clothes rather than 0-3, and he was doing 4-5 hour naps during the day, and 5-6 hour stretches in his own bed up until a few nights ago. But the last few days and nights he's been awful!! He will only nap for 20 minutes tops and ONLY if I am holding him and being completely still.
Oh, and he eats like a maniac and would eat all day everyday if I let him. But overall he's pretty happy to just hang out and we love hanging out with him!
We love this kid and can't wait till we live closer to family so we can share him with them! He is so fun and really really cute! ;)
He's looking all grown up already. Thanks for the pics and posts. There were a couple I hadn't seen yet. It made me go post something on the Lunchwithlincoln blog. I haven't done any of that for quite a while.