
October started with Kade reaching 3 months! He started smiling and sleeping more. He loves watching his brother and thinks dad is the funniest. But mostly he just wants his mom to hold him. ALL. DAY. LONG.

Nate had some red Gatorade Spencer spilled one morning so I took his shirt off and he promptly spilled it all over his undies. This was the result.

We went to the Birds of Prey fall flights and saw the great horned owl, the "bald seagull", the falcons, hawks, and all the other birds.

Nate did lots of hiking in Sun Valley trying to get his elk, but after 3 years of successful hunting, his percentage is now 75%. One of the weekends he was gone I took the boys to the Farmstead to go through the monster. It was crowded and waaaay overpriced and Spencer got scared so I mostly drug him through it. After that we made the most of it and it ended up being kinda fun. But next year we're sticking to Linder Farms.

He was so cold he stole my jacket (how many times can a mom remind her kid to wear/bring a jacket?!) and also so upset it was time to go!

Speaking of Linder Farms, we made a trip there with our friends too! It was lots of fun and the kids did the pony ride, fed all the animals, rode the train, and played and played in the cornbox (that I just about fell into).

making good use of the ergo.

Kade woke up for the hayride.

cute best buddies!

Nate and I did a virtual 5k (yep, that's a real thing) and got matching shirts and medals! We also celebrated 5 years of marriage by going go-karting at Fast Lane and then downtown to Bardenay which was delicious!! Nate ordered the best pork chop and I got a really good salmon! The funniest part was when the couple right next to us (my only 2 complaints with the the place, no hostess so you seat yourselves, and the tables are reeeeally close together) ordered the exact same entrees as us. 

Bekah, Codi and I had one last girls night before Bekah moved to Weiser and ended up at Blaze Pizza and Sodalicious! We missed Jourdan but sure had fun and laughs!

We did LOTS of trick-or-treating with our Hookfang dragon and baby pumpkin. We scored by getting tooons of candy at Oma's office. They always go all out there and this year was no different! Spencer's favorite part was the section decorated like Jurassic Park. We walked through at least 3 times! Oma's section did Will Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and she was Augustus Gloop. we also trick-or-treated at the nursing home in Eagle and at the ward trunk-or-treat and then with dad on Halloween! Spencer had SO. MUCH. CANDY!

this is Spencer and his buddy Tate at the ward trunk-or-treat. I wish I had snapped a picture of Tate in his ADORABLE homemade bulldozer costume. It was amazing!!

We went through the Meridian temple open house and it was really beautiful and crowded! We even ran into our wards' sister missionaries who are the cutest and we just love them! They are so sweet with our boys and we think they've done more for our ward than all the previous elders combined!

I had to include this comparison. We all got a kick out of it. Those bug-eyes and double chin sure do remind us of Uncle Fester!

And some Spencer funnies:
October 6
Spencer: I love fruit snacks, they're my favorite food...except bacon.

October 24
I'd been binging on a new podcast and the beginning she says, "I'm Jody Moore and you're listening to bold new mom." So we're in the car and the podcast picks up where I left off in the middle of an episode and after a few minutes Spencer asks, "is this Jody Moore?"

October 30
Spencer caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and said, "Hey! What's my bro doin' in here?!"

and just a cute picture of a big brother having a serious talk with his baby brother.

Oh, and in October I won tickets through a Facebook contest to Bill Engvall at the Morrison Center in January! I don't think I've ever won anything before!!


September started with the Boise Balloon Classic bright and early! I love this tradition. We ran into some extended family, Brandon and Tangi, they were part of the Star Wars crew (he was one of the storm troopers). And then I even ran into my friend Melissa from high school! It was so fun to chat with her, meet her not-so-new baby, AND we learned her daughter even loves dinosaurs!

Don't you think Nate is rocking the baby carrier??

We made a trip to the zoo with our BFFs and thankfully their moms are really good at taking pictures!

My mom and I decided to join my sister last minute and do a triathlon. Even though I was the slowest of the 3 of us, I won for my age group! Haha. And for 10 weeks postpartum I was pleased with how I did. The biking was significantly harder than I was prepared for and I wouldn't recommend a 1 speed.

We hiked up to Table Rock with my dad and Kade did  awesome for his first time in the ergo, sleeping most of the way. Spencer also did awesome and hiked the whole way up and down by himself. When we got to the top her yelled, "I can see everything from us here, even the ocean!" We didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't the ocean after he worked so hard to get there.

Near the end of the month we ran in the YMCAs Race for Steaks. Nate did the 15k and me, my sister, and brother in law did the 5k. It was my favorite run to date and mostly because they fed us a catered steak dinner at the end, and a little because I beat my brother in law;). There was also a kids race before the adult race so Spence ran with his cousins and it was pretty darn cute!
Nate choked on the steak which was for sure my least favorite part.

Not my most flattering pic, but proof I did it

Allison and Dallin came to visit to keep up with their every-two-week visit. They actually came to run a race but it was fun seeing so much of them this summer! They both did awesome and it was fun to go cheer them on with their kids! Allison actually won the half marathon which was fun to be there for! And Dallin got (I think) 9th in the marathon (they're nuts)!

Afterward we stopped at my parents to let the runners cool off in the pool. And even though we forgot the kids' swimsuits it didn;t stop them!

Nate entertaining the big kids 
(I can't fine my pic of the babies in the stroller)

who needs swimsuits?!

me and Lizzy twinning!

Nate and I were also video interviewed by one of the cute youth from our ward in PA, though I guess she's not a youth anymore, she's a young adult at BYU-I! She interviewed us about our relationship for a class and it was so fun to see her and her brother, and I hope we gave her some good material but I'm not positive we did that .;)

no pix of this, so here's one of his first baby smiles

Funny things Spencer said in September (at least the one I remembered to write down):
September 7: Spencer at the dinner table: mmmm, this is good! Thanks for making dinner, Linds!

the big 2 month old, sneezing during his photo shoot!