1 month in our house!

     We have officially been homeowners for a whole month now! We are loving all the space and Spencer loves making messes in it. We love having a garage and a backyard and can't wait till it warms up so we can start a garden and send Spencer outside to dig in the dirt. Nate's been working on the yard getting it ready for summer. There was a big rock circle that we think the last owner must have had some kind of fire pit in, and it was a waste of space for us, so Nate moved all the big rocks that made the circle to the corner of the yard and then he spent quite a few nights sifting the dirt to get the little rocks out. It is now an excellent pile of sand that the dang neighborhood cats are using as a litter box. So we got a sand box and will spend the day transferring sand into there so we can cover it and keep the cats out. We're hoping to lay sod on the dirt ring this summer. But Nate has been hard at work out there making it more enjoyable for us this summer. We can't wait to BBQ and hang out out there!
     We also are enjoying living so close to Nate's work. It only takes him about 10 minutes to get there or to get home so he saves lots of tie and lots of gas! Our location isn't so bad either, we've got a park just a few blocks up from us or an even bigger park we've been meaning to try a little farther away. We're also close to a mile stretch of the greenbelt that we've walked on a bit
     Our ward has been nice so far though we're still "new" and making friends is always hard. But people have been friendly and Spencer loves everyone.
     We finally hung some pictures on the wall so it's starting to feel more like our home!


I lost my wallet this morning while Nate was at work. When I texted him to tell him I found it in the CAR I accidentally said I found it in the CAT.
Nate's response was: "The cat that came into our backyard? Did you have to gut it?"