The Elk Slayer.

     After getting lucky enough to shoot his first deer, Nate got double lucky and shot his first elk this year too! Again, I would mess up the stories and the details but here are the pictures and maybe on day I can convince him to write how it all went down...

     It took 2 days to get the elk off the mountain and Nate did tell me he was glad to be done hunting for the year!

St. George 10k

     On October 25, I ran my very first 10k! I happened to sign up for one in St. George because my friend Kelli had just moved there and I needed a good excuse to go visit her! It was a quick trip since Nate only had 2 days off work. We left Boise at 4pm and drove to Provo and got some ice cream with my little brother about 10pm and then jumped back in the car to finish the drive and arrived about 2am.
     The next day we did a little shopping, went to sushi, and then walked the race course. I had looked at the course previously and wanted to know more about the hill I'd have to climb. It was a pretty nice route on this path that followed a river until mile 4 which was a straight up hill! I was not prepared for any hills so even just walking it scared me a little bit. It was only a gain of about 315 ft but it still wore me out pushing a stroller and all. On race day Nate was awesome and met me at the bottom of the hill with a gatorade and ran up it with me. My time was 1:13:02 which wasn't my best but also wasn't my worst and I never did see another 10k runner pushing a stroller :)

     When we got back in the car Nate said, "you don't smell nearly as bad as you did after your 5k." He sure knows how to give a compliment!

**yes, I have more running clothes than this but I didn't want to take any chances so I wore the exact same clothes that I always do my best running in.