The Farmstead.

     My sister asked me to accompany her and her boys on a little field trip to a pumpkin patch called The Farmstead. Spencer had a good time with his cousins and it was fun to see all the animals, play hard, and enjoy a nice fall day!
Spencer loved riding this cow train with Lincoln, they did it a few times.

"the creature" was a little too scary.

he loves the mini straw maze!

and he tried to jump on this bouncer with the big kids but never could make it up past this...

11 months.

     We officially have a walker! Just this week, feet have become his main mode of transportation. He is toddling around, getting into everything he can find, and he's getting pretty fast too! 

      He is such a little puppy dog when it comes to begging for food. He will stand at your feet and just wait, or follow you around until you give in and give him a bit of whatever it is you're enjoying without him. We don't think he'll be much of a picky eater (unlike his mom). He prefers grown up food to baby food, hands down.
      He doesn't love hats, or socks. He is still not a great sleeper but we have been working on it so hard the last week! I was determined to have him sleeping through the night by his 1st birthday, and while that goal is a little high, I'm now hoping for 5 hours. Please bless that can happen! I finally broke the habit of nursing to sleep and that was hard, but since then things have been easier. He can fall asleep in his own bed with his back rubbed or patted and then can sleep 2-3 hours. After that he ends up in bed with us nursing the rest of the night. Old habits die hard, but we're getting there. Like I said, 5 hours is our new goal. His best naps are still taken in the stroller so we do quite a bit of walking and running.
     He is turning into such a little boy, he loves balls and anything with wheels. He still LOVES to watch other kids play. Last Sunday was our ward primary program and it was the best he's ever done through sacrament. He just wanted to sit on my lap and watch almost the whole time.

     His "talking" has really taken off. He babbles and goos at anything and everything. He yells and makes all kinds of funny noises. He likes to "converse" with just about anything as well. But in public he's pretty shy when people try to talk to him. No smiles, just grabs onto his mom.
     He loves being outside or inside looking out the window, playing peek a boo with his dad, being tickled in the armpits, pointing out your nose, opening every possible cupboard door, turning the pages of books, playing with the toys at the library, and going for runs in the stroller.
     We can't believe he's almost 1!