
     We had a couple visitors come the beginning of August. Aaron and Alyssa came to hang out a few nights before they moved to Ohio. We had a lot of fun and did a lot of things including; rode bikes on the greenbelt, walked around the MK Nature Center and saw the giant sturgeon, floated the Boise River, and got ice cream at Goodys.
     We hope they're enjoying Ohio and can't wait to see them again! Oh, and here's the only picture from their trip :)

Huckleberry picking.

     The middle of August we made our way up to McCall for the day to pick huckleberries with my grandma. Even though we got caught in a huge rainstorm that drenched us all, it was worth it and a lot of fun. And we still got plenty of huckleberries!

     After getting soaked picking berries, we headed over to Gold Fork hot springs and hung out there for a few hours. It was the perfect way to end a cold, wet day but we didn't get any pictures of that part!