Huckleberry picking.

     The middle of August we made our way up to McCall for the day to pick huckleberries with my grandma. Even though we got caught in a huge rainstorm that drenched us all, it was worth it and a lot of fun. And we still got plenty of huckleberries!

     After getting soaked picking berries, we headed over to Gold Fork hot springs and hung out there for a few hours. It was the perfect way to end a cold, wet day but we didn't get any pictures of that part!

9 months!

3 quarters of a year! How did that happen?!
Porter loves him, sometimes a little too much :)
     This boy just keeps growing and growing! He is very mobile and getting into everything. He really wants to walk and pulls himself up on everything and then walks holding on to it for as far as he can. He LOVES to eat and NEEDS a bite of anything you have. We discovered (though a little early) he is not allergic to peanuts which makes life easier. He is babbling up a storm! Usually yelling at me for one reason or another. But he sure likes to hear himself "talk", he must get that from his mom...
     Spencer is still loving the water! He doesn't care how cold or hot it is he will splash as long as we let him. He doesn't even mind when I dunk his feet in the cold river on our walks. Last week he had his first experience at a hot springs and he really thought that was cool. He especially liked playing in the sand at the bottom and dumping it on his dad.
he prefers to swim in the buff.
     Teething this time around has been miserable. He has 3 teeth swollen just under the surface of his gums and they must be painful because he has been a grump for weeks! This in turn has made for a regression in his sleeping habits. It's been a long few weeks...