Waaaaaay behind.

     I have quite a few things to catch up, but for now I just wanted to remember this snippet from my life with a 7 month old...
     In PA I learned to ALWAYS bring an extra outfit for Spencey to church with me (it may have taken 2 gigantic blowouts and church being a 15 min drive from our house for me to learn, but I learned nonetheless). Well today in Idaho I learned another lesson to add to that...ALWAYS take the extra outfit with me when I change him!
     Toward the end of sacrament I started noticing that foul odor I know all to well, sure enough, it was my kid. I did the once over and noticing no leaking poop, grabbed our dipes & wipes and headed for the bathroom, though I thought about changing him on the carpet in the foyer like I normally do, alas, it was too crowded today. (Side note, the only bathroom with a changing station is in the basement of the building, and totally not conveniently located whatsoever) I lay Spence down on the counter and by the time I get him unbuttoned and diaper off, there is poop smeared halfway up his back, all over his outfit, and all over the changing station. My life is awesome. I completely undressed him and then stood him stark naked, on the edge of the table while I scrubbed his back down. Of course he was facing the door so he and all his glory was the first thing anyone would see if they walked into the bathroom, of course someone had to use the bathroom at this exact moment, of course it was the only time I've ever run into another person in that bathroom! After I had him all cleaned up (half a box of wipes later) I diapered him and cleaned the table off. I started to try to clean his outfit, but it was a total lost cause so I just folded it up to let oxi-clean work its magic. Then came the awesome part of walking back into sacrament meeting with my baby in only a diaper. Not obvious or anything. I made a beeline for my seat and rolled my eyes to anyone staring. Funny baby, blowing out his drawers at church! I didn't want to make more of a scene by leaving with a naked baby AGAIN, so I just dressed him on the pew. Crisis over.
     I will however, be bringing my whole diaper bag to every diaper change from now on. Thanks baby Spence, you sure make my life fun! ;)

     And because what's a blog post without pictures, here's some randoms for your enjoyment.
sometimes when you're baby's nursing and totally sweaty you make a bunch of spikes in his hair!

we had my dad take a couple of family pix for us since we had none!

and this is the stinky guy today after the big fiasco, i still love him.

7 months old!

On June 16 our baby turned 7 months old!
I think I say this every time, but man time is flying!
     He can sit up like a pro and is trying VERY hard to crawl. He doesn't like to hold still or sit in one spot and can sure get around by rolling and scooting all over, but he is wishing he could just CRAWL! He has also had enough of his bouncy seat and can now successfully plop himself right out of that thing (unfortunately for his mom).
     He is still eating anything and everything. He wants a bite of whatever and still loved to chew on fruits and veggies through his mesh bag however, nursing is still his favorite! And he FINALLY had his first tooth pop through!

     Sleeping has gone waaaay downhill in the last 2 weeks. He went from sleeping in his own bed and waking up once a night, to sleeping in his own bed for 2 hours, crying out of control where only nursing can calm him down, and ending the night by sleeping in my bed connected to me. The last 2 nights of dealing with this have been miserable! He just can't sleep more than 2 hours in his own bed now! Not sure what's going on, but its making this mom crazy!! And he is a terrible napper as well, will wake up the second I put him down. We have our work cut out for us with the lack-of-sleeper.
     He is still a pretty mellow and quiet baby, not a whole lot of babbling going on or laughing unless he is being tickled. He does love his uncle Heatie though and Heat can make him smile and laugh or just calm down by using a deep voice and saying "hey baby!" Though he's mellow, he is not a cuddler! He will not just lay his head on your shoulder, in fact he doesn't really even like to be help facing in, he likes to face out and see what's happening. And he is busy! His legs are always moving and he is always reaching and grabbing at anything he can.
     Last thing, his hair is looking like it has decided it wants to be red. Or at least a little orange, still mostly blonde, but it definitely has a red hue to it these days!
     He is a handful at times, but he's awful cute and I think we'll keep him :)