5 months old!

Today Spencer is 5 months old!
     Nate and I have both in the last week commented on how much older he looks. He is definitely longer and getting some chunk to him. He is starting to fit into his 6 month clothes and I think he has officially grown out of his last 3 month outfit.
     We have started feeding him some rice cereal as the doctor said it would help with his reflux, he doesn't mind it but doesn't seem very interested either so we just give it here and there, nothing consistent.
The other night at dinner he was being cranky (have I mentioned we gave up on trying to get him to take a binky?) I had just packed them all away when we got a sample in the mail, I knew he wouldn't take it so i just gave him the whole thing, package and all to play with. He LOVED it and was having a great time until he started devouring the cardboard package and I took it away. It made him sad so Nate opened it up and gave him the pacifier to play with. He wasn't really happy about that so Nate dipped the binky in some jello salad we were having with dinner and Spencer loved that! He would suck it all off and then spit the binky out waiting for Nate to dip it in the jello again, then suck it all off and spit it out. They repeated this about 3 or 4 times until I finally made them stop. Our kid is never going to eat vegetables. So far he has tried; chocolate frosting, jello, ice cream, cool whip and probably more I don't even know about.
     Spencer loves to go for walks and we often walk to the library or the post office. But since the weather's warmed up my new favorite thing is to walk to a little park about 15 minutes from our house. I lay Spencer on a blanket on the grass under a tree and I read my book while he plays. He seems to like being outside.
     He is still a stinker when it comes to sleeping alone. He still sleeps in bed next to me and as soon as I move away or try to move him he is wide awake! Needless to say i get about nothing done during his naps. But I do enjoy cuddling with him because when he is awake he sure isn't cuddly.
    All the youth at church love him. Every Sunday and Wednesday he gets passed around to all the young women and he smiles and giggles for them. Even some of the young men love to come up and play with him and get him to smile.
    He has some really long hairs on top of his head, at least an inch and a half long, but they're still so blonde you can only see them in the right light. And sometimes he looks like he's getting just a hint of red in his hair, guess we'll just have to wait and see!
     He still really loved the bathtub and has just figured out how to splash with his hands. The bathroom is drenched when he's done. He has a few bath toys that he loves to reach for which causes him to faceplant so we have to be super careful with that.
     He is still practicing rolling over, he can do it but doesn't really like to. He does like to just scoot in circles when on his belly. He is going to be mobile before we know it, his upper body is sooooo strong! He can also sit up for about 3 seconds.

    We sure love this baby! He is so fun and pretty cute too!