DC Cherry Blossom Festival.

On Friday, April 11 we had a wedding reception in DC to go to and since it happened to be the week of the cherry blossom festival we decided to just go ahead and spend the day down there.
The weather was perfect and the blossoms were gorgeous!
It was a perfect trip!

Story: as Nate was walking back toward me after taking this picture we both notices an older asian couple taking a picture of Nate and Spencer and not Abe. Nate stopped and smiled for them and then they kept taking more pictures and walking up to him. They were smiling and speaking their language (didn't speak a lick of english) clearly talking about Spence. So they walked right up and started grabbing his hands and touching him which wasn't my most favorite thing but Spencer was being very cute and smiley back so we let them interact. Then the lady just reaches out and grabs Spencer out of Nate's arms! I just got really bug eyed at Nate. The lady just hugged him and smiled and played with him. Her husband took a picture of them and then she handed him back and I think tried to say "thank you". It was the weirdest thing. At first I wasn't sure what to think. I was a little bit annoyed that she just grabbed my baby! But then I realized, no harm came from it, Spencer was happy to smile and interact with her. And after Nate telling me his fist was balled ready to punch them if they tried to run off (ha) I just hope that it made their day to get to hold my little baby because clearly she was loving him.

on the steps of the Lincoln where Spencer and I almost got trampled by a group of 5th graders and once they realized I was there, all yelled out to the kids behind them "WATCH OUT FOR LADY WITH A BABY!"

the best picture we could get of us and the blossoms.