Heaton's visit- Gettysburg.

March 22, 2014
On Saturday, Nate had to work at 9am so we had all day to check out Gettysburg.
We went to the museum and after talking to the presenter there, the cyclorama is definitely my favorite.
Too bad my camera doesn't take super great pictures in the dim lights.

As we were leaving the cyclorama and entering the museum a man stopped us and asked us where we were from and if we went to BYU. We told him our brother did and he told us he was there touring with a group of professors from BYU. I thought it was awesome that he could tell we were mormon. Then I figured he probably had seen my garments since I was nursing my baby at the beginning (I guess I haven't mastered the blanket covering).

you can't tell but that is Abraham Lincoln being carried to a first aid tent.
he was painted in to represent the wounded union.

Heaton testing the slave shackles.

Heaton taught me that the P in 'marine corps' is silent.
He then proceeded to make fun of me the rest of the day.


After the museum we did the driving tour of the battlefield but it was windy and we had a crying baby so we didn't actually get out at many stops. But I did make Heat get out and climb to the top of the Pennsylvania monument, I thought that one was cool.

the black speck at the base of the dome is him.

Uncle Heatie's visit- Baltimore.

My little brother came to visit and tour around for his spring break.
We had lots of fun, did lots of driving, and ate a LOT of sandwiches.
I was completely exhausted after he left and am just finally getting back into my groove.
Everything is 10x harder, more stressful, time consuming when you have a baby to cart around with you:)

Friday, March 21
We had to take Nate to work at 2 so we had a late start to our day, which was kind of nice since we didn't get home from the airport until 1am.
We all went on a walk in the morning to show Heat our town.
After taking Nate to work me, Spencer, and Heaton drove to Baltimore to go to the National Aquarium and see the inner harbor which I'd heard a lot about.
This also happened to be sandwich stop #1 (Panera- and the best clam showder I've ever had!) and #2 (Potbelly).

the pyramid building in the background is part of the aquarium.

the glad building is also part of the aquarium.

The aquarium was pretty neat, there were giant sting rays, lots of colorful fish, eels, turtles, sharks, dolphins, and even some birds. Unfortunately the lighting in there was pretty crappy so my pictures didn't turn out that great. Bummer.

this was the main pool that at every floor you could stop and look over the edge at it.
also, where the speaker is standing is deep and you could go down below and look through the glass there as well. this was my favorite thing.

this is the boys with a whale vertebrae.

megaladon jaw.

I hadn't been to Baltimore before (except the airport) and it was a little scary driving through parts of it. I also should note I am terrible at parking the truck and the parking garage was tight so I eventually gave up and made Heaton park it, he did awesome on his first try.

Nate-ism #19.

March 31, 2014

Nate wanted to get a shirt for Spencer for April fool's day that said "Big Brother".
I didn't think it would be a funny joke to which Nate responded that it didn't have to be a joke.
He then concluded with, "like I always say, 7 kids in your house is better than 150 eggs in your womb."
Real philosophical he is.

4 months old (edited).

*added stats from 4 month check up are at the bottom

March 16, 2014

On Sunday our little bitty baby turned 4 months old!! He is getting soooo big! He has his 4 month doctor apt on Monday so we will check his height and weight then. Nate thinks he's gonna weigh in at 15 lbs.
We are having so much fun with this little pip squeak and love everything about him!
He is just about rolling over (he did it once but has yet to repeat), he has started drooling like mad, he has tried ice cream and is a fan. He is getting really strong abs and can almost pull himself into a sitting position from laying flat on his back. He is also good at using his arms to push his body way up off the floor during tummy time. He still loves bath time and showers. He still pukes a lot, and he's still bald. He loves smiling and is starting to giggle more too.

This is Spencer and his friend Henry.

Height: 25.5in
Weight: 15.8oz
Head: 16.5in

Nate-ism #18.

(looking at a picture of Nate's brother) 

Lindsey: Hey, that looks like they got engaged at the same place we did only on a trail and not on the side of the road.
Nate: Yea, it does.
Lindsey: Where would you have proposed if I hadn't made you stop on the side of the road?
Nate: I probably wouldn't have.

Spencer says the Pledge of Allegiance.

A few weeks ago, someone we know said that her infant daughter (a month younger than Spencer) had said her first word (and it was a difficult word). Obviously this was impossible but Nate ran with it. He made up his mind to teach Spence the pledge of allegiance, they work on it every day. It goes like this (hopefully I'll get a video soon) 
Nate: Ok, say 'I pledge allegiance'
Spencer: goo gah aaaaah 
Nate: Good, now say 'to the flag'
Spencer: oooogh ahgag
Nate: 'of the United States of America'
Spencer: .......
Nate: 'of the'
Nate: Come on, 'of the'
Spencer: gagoogaga
Nate: good job! Now 'united states of america'
Spencer: gogogag gaaahh agh
Nate: that was 'united states of am...'
Nate: '...erica'...'...erica'

Spencer tries to laugh.

March 6, 2014

This morning was the first time Spencer has tried to laugh where it wasn't an accident. For about 5 minutes he just laid on the floor and laughed at my goofy noises. I was even able to catch the very end with my ipod camera.