
October 6, 2013

Some friends (well, pretty much our only friends) here asked us if we would be interested in having a camp fire and cooking s'mores. Nate had been bugging me ALL summer to go have a campfire so I was in!
We decided to go as soon as general conference was over on Sunday (still weird to me that it doesn't start til noon, ends at 6 and isn't on regular tv channels!)
Nate and I went up to the state forest (he'll have to correct me on the name but I think it was the Michaux forest??) earlier that morning to scope out a good spot and find some wood to burn. 
It was a very last minute idea so we probably weren't as organized as we could have/should have been.
We roasted hot dogs and brauts. And then of course ate s'mores which was my favorite part!! 
It was a fun night and Nate the fireman did awesome starting the fire and keeping it going. I was very impressed. 
This is the only picture we got the whole night, we were having too much fun talking and eating to remember to take more.
thanks Stewarts for a fun night!

Nate wanted to hunt the next morning and because it was such a drive up there, he decided to just spend the night up there so we didn't waste gas driving back and forth so much. What an adventurer he is! I had a dr apt in the morning so he knew he would have to stick it out until at least noon. And wouldn't you know we woke up to pouring rain! The most its rained the whole time we have lived here. He was tough and stuck it out until I could get back to pick him up. He didn't shoot anything and he was soaked to the bone! He got home and drank a big cup of hot chocolate and took a bath (which I have never known him to do before!) and he still ended up with a little bit of a cold :/ 

The great cookie debacle.

I had the great intention of making cookies for a family in our ward because the mom was SUPER generous and gave us a TON of baby clothes. Like a TON. Adventure doesn't need anymore clothes for like at least 6 months.
Like I said, TONS of clothes. All from her!

So I went about making a batch of chocolate chip cookies (which I have done a billion times before without issue). Burned the heck out of the first 2 batches I put in the oven, even with a timer...pregnancy brain at its finest. And then something weird happened. The cookies were rock hard and would NOT come off the pan. I had to chip away at the next dozen to come out of the oven. So those were broken into a million pieces. My final dozen in the oven came out looking half decent so I saved those.
Then I started again with a whole new batch of dough. This time I did things a little different. First dozen, you guessed it, I burned them! So the next batch in the oven I was very careful to watch and time. 10 minutes late I pull them out of the oven and they had completely melted into each other and become one giant pan of cookie!!! I was soooo frustrated! So I went ahead and added like 2 more cups of flour because that was clearly the problem. The next 2 batches came out much fluffier and solid, but still hard. At least I had enough to take to the family...but super obnoxious and I don't think I'll be making anymore cookies anytime soon!!
proof of my burned, wadded up disasters of baking!

Where was Nate when I needed him?!


What have we been up to lately?

Well for starters I made this:

It took me 3 days and lots of frustrations but it is finished (for now). Until a snap pops off or something.

Me and Adventure have been doing lots of growing. According to our latest ultrasound, he is weighing in at 3 lbs. 7 oz. We didn't get any good pictures of him though, he wouldn't move his hand away from his face. But we did get one of his big ol' feet!

Yesterday I even had a stranger comment on how far out my belly button was poking. That was a first.

We're not quite ready for him yet, we still need a few more things but we are getting very antsy to meet him! 
And he still remains nameless...well besides Adventure.

How did I never know these existed?!

Somehow I missed a whole slew of wedding pictures!
I was so happy to see some of these!
I love them!
Our photographer was fantastic ;)
I was cleaning up and found our CD of wedding pics and was feeling nostalgic so I popped it in and some of them I swear I had never seen before! So just for the heck of it, here's some favs!

Nate-ism #11

I came home from a relief society activity to Nate lifting weights in the living room without a shirt. I asked him how long he'd been working out, he said about an hour. I asked him if he ate anything for dinner, he said no. I told him to go eat something to which he replied, "I'm working out! Look at my bod."

And here's his girly workout pose :)

Out the window.

As I previously mentioned, my method of nesting has shown up in the form of cooking. And baking to be more specific.
I spent 5 hours in the kitchen today making 4 different kinds of cookies to freeze so Mr. Moeller has treats for his lunches he takes to work. Just to brag for a minute, I made oreos (well, they are nothing like oreos except they are chocolate cookies with cream frosting in the middle), white chocolate cranberry, chocolate chip, and snickerdoodle. I'd say he's set for [hopefully] a few weeks. 
It made a huge mess but I decided the best way to cut down the mess was to not wash my dishes in between and just reuse my mixing bowl...dough is dough, right?!
I was transferring cookies from the baking pan to the cooling rack at one point and I happened to turn and glance out the window and you know what I saw??
The neighbor boy, back to me, peeing on the house next door. It was hilarious and ridiculous at the same time.

Nate-ism #10.

I forget exactly what our topic of conversation was, something along the lines of me telling Nate that the milk we drink goes through a big long process before we actually drink it, it's not just fresh from the cow.

So he says, "Well Adventure is going to be drinking straight outta the cow!"

Thanks Nate, that's what 27 weeks pregnant does to you! :)