Mother's Intuition.

They say that a mother's intuition is the most accurate gender predictor...WRONG!
For me at least, I was SO positive this was a girl!
Nate was even pretty certain until the night before our ultrasound he said "You do know Moellers always have boys first right?"
I guess the Chinese gender calendar predictor was right! Same with the random baby app on my ipod. 
But still all the old wives tales like heart rate and cravings were wrong!!
I now have tons and tons of girl stuff that will have to be sent back into storage until a later date.
Honestly, I was bummed for about 3 seconds when we learned he was a boy. But then I got really excited and now I'm even more excited.
And hopefully he'll be like all his boy cousins who are the cutest boys ever!
Names are still nonexistent. 
Nate's still rooting for Dirk Adventure, I am not.
about 19 weeks.

Nate-ism #7?

Nate downloaded a pregnancy/baby tracker on his kindle and today the update was something about how I shouldn't be laying on my back or stomach anymore.
I was laying on the bed on my stomach and he came in and tried to roll me over.
When I told him that was the only comfortable position at the moment he said "How would you like it if a 130 pound person laid on your onion sized body?!"
It was pretty funny and we laughed until he said, "did you like how I lowered your weight so you wouldn't be mad at me?"
Yea...thanks Nate.

1st day of work.

Today was my first day of work at the YMCA summer camp. It was raining pretty hard all day so we stayed inside...can't decide if I liked that or hated it. Definitely a change from working at the Boys & Girls Club! Some things I liked better and some I wished were a little different. It sure made me nostalgic for the Meridian, ID club and kids!!
It was a nice change to get out of the house and have something I HAD to do though. I think i will enjoy it (at least until I start being more pregnant), but it's a nice change of pace from my usual days.
One thing that's a little different is at the B&GC I always worked with the younger kids and here I am working with the older kids. I don't mind, but it's a definite change. Again, one of those things that's better in in some way and worse in some ways.
A few pics of my good old B&GC days:

I have it pretty rough too...I work 2 days get a day off and work 2 more days. Then I'll be off for 2 weeks because I'll be in BOISE IDAHO welcoming this little chump home from Argentina!!

this was the last siblings pic before he left...since we have added a spouse and another nephew!

The positives of being pregnant.

I recently had a conversation (more of a vent) with a friend who said to me "you are really making me anxious to be pregnant...not".

So...I felt a little guilty and made a list of all the positives of being pregnant (keep in mind this is MY list of what I enjoy about being pregnant):

- my fingernails grow so fast and are so long and strong! these are the nails I have tried so hard to have my whole life!
- I have cleavage for the first time in my life.
- I pretty much get to fulfill all my cravings without feeling guilty(if they are within a reasonable distance, can't wait to go to Boise to fulfill some others!).
- haven't had a period on months!!
- Nate understands and has really stepped up in the cooking/cleaning department.
- our families are super generous and have started collecting things for baby or have already given us things...which we really appreciate!!


So Nate is keeping his options open and every few days he checks out what jobs are available around the country. He randomly applied for a job in Bethel, Alaska knowing nothing about the place. He was a little surprised when he got a call from them wanting some more information from him. Naturally, I decided to learn some facts before things went too far:
average temperature: 29 degrees.
average HIGH temperature: 35 degrees.
days a year when temperature reaches/exceeds 90 degrees: less than 13.
days with a high BELOW freezing: 223!!!!!\
moral of the story...VETO!
Not to mention 3,475 miles from Boise.
4,174 miles from Tucson.

**I told him if he was really interested in living there he could talk about it...with his next wife:)

A little green around here.

We have been pretty boring around here lately! The weather got REALLY hot and humid for a few days where we couldn't do anything but sit in front of the fan sweating and watching tv! Hence, we have been pretty boring and had nothing to share.
Our most exciting moment happened last week when Nate was doing some laundry. He's been in charge of the laundry for a while now and he does a good job...usually:) Last week he decided to try something new and threw a green dish towel in with all our white clothes...oops. We ruined a few white shirts and now have a green tint to most of our undies:) We both still laugh about it and it was a good learning experience.


(I need to start numbering these.)

Nate and I have a million things to do to clean up around our house. Yesterday we dedicated today to cleaning up. It's 6:30pm and the most we have done is strip the sheets off the bed. And also, he told me he was waking up at 6am this morning to go for a bike ride. 9:30am and he finally rolled out of bed!

Our conversation this evening went as follows...
Me: Why are we so lazy?!
Nate: I'm not lazy! I went for a bike ride!

Somehow he forgot that he actually DIDN'T go for a bike ride today??