A little green around here.

We have been pretty boring around here lately! The weather got REALLY hot and humid for a few days where we couldn't do anything but sit in front of the fan sweating and watching tv! Hence, we have been pretty boring and had nothing to share.
Our most exciting moment happened last week when Nate was doing some laundry. He's been in charge of the laundry for a while now and he does a good job...usually:) Last week he decided to try something new and threw a green dish towel in with all our white clothes...oops. We ruined a few white shirts and now have a green tint to most of our undies:) We both still laugh about it and it was a good learning experience.


(I need to start numbering these.)

Nate and I have a million things to do to clean up around our house. Yesterday we dedicated today to cleaning up. It's 6:30pm and the most we have done is strip the sheets off the bed. And also, he told me he was waking up at 6am this morning to go for a bike ride. 9:30am and he finally rolled out of bed!

Our conversation this evening went as follows...
Me: Why are we so lazy?!
Nate: I'm not lazy! I went for a bike ride!

Somehow he forgot that he actually DIDN'T go for a bike ride today??