
WARNING: this post is going to be graphic because I don't feel good and I'm a little annoyed! So if you have a weak stomach or don't want to be disgusted or don't think you will ever be able to look at me the same or just don't care for nasty things then go to the next page, skip, move on, but DON'T READ THIS! Consider yourself warned...

     Something about Fridays does not sit well with me and this baby. I have consistently felt the worst I have felt all week on Friday's. And I have consistently spewed for 3 Friday's in a row now. It's getting really old and I know I should be feeling lucky that it isn't everyday I feel this crappy, but it's really hard to feel grateful or lucky or thankful for anything when I can't even get of the couch because I am just so nauseous! (Ok, I really am grateful that most days I don't puke and I feel well enough to shower and be semi-productive).
     Early this afternoon I was craving chips and guacamole so bad! So naturally that is about the only thing I have eaten today. Plus a small cup of peaches. And what do you know 5 minutes after finishing my peaches, it all wanted to come back up! I booked it to the bathroom and stood over the toilet, my mouth dripping with saliva (tell-tale sign its coming!). Eventually it all plunged out into the toilet (if you're still reading this and aren't sure STOP NOW!) guacamole, chips, peaches, it all came up and it came fast! So here I am standing over the toilet as is normal puking stance, and it all hits the water and splashes back up onto my face and my arms...covered in my own vomit! It was disgusting and when I got the chance I grabbed the trash can instead. G-R-O-S-S! This was the first time I have ever had splash back and it was not a good experience!
     So I washed my face and arms, cleaned up the toilet bowl and felt a little bit better, but only for a minute. I am so over this junky feeling! I don't know how people do this! I am miserable, and I think I'm one of the luckier ones. I guess I'm just wimpy, but I was super ticked off after this particular experience! I do not love being pregnant and I feel terrible saying that! I feel like a bad mom that I am hating this...can it please be November already?!