Intercourse (Pennsylvania of course!)

Yes, it's a real place.
Yes, we made tons of jokes about it.
Yes, I have the sense of humor of a 15 year old so I think its hilarious.
Why anyone would name a place that is beyond me, especially when it was formerly known as "Cross Keys".
And why people want to live there, probably because they laugh every time they write their return mailing address.
But it's actually a really cute little touristy part of an Amish community and we went and visited on Saturday!
We had a great time even though the weather was dreary and rainy. 
We saw a few Amish horses pulling buggies (none of them were eating McDonalds this time). They have updated them from what I remember. They are completely enclosed with doors and have brake lights and turn signals, might as well by a car if you ask me;)
We walked through all the little shops and looked at all the decorations, fabrics, and other trinkets. But I think our favorite part was all the food shops! They all had free samples of everything and it was awesome!
We went into the "Smokehouse" which is comparable to Hickory Farms, and tried so many meats and cheeses! They were delicious! There we ended up getting a brick of smoked cheddar cheese (the best cheese I've ever had) and a snack bag of assorted cheeses and some delicious sweet smoked sausage bologna. Mmmm!
Then we of course HAD to go in the fudge shop and taste all the fudge. We ended up buying a slice of peanut butter fudge and it might have been my favorite.
But we REALLY hit the jackpot when we went into Kitchen Kettle Village. There they had every possible kind of salsa, butter, jelly/jam, pickles, tart, and treat imaginable. There were so many delicious things we wanted to buy but limited ourselves to; pineapple salsa (if you've ever had mango salsa this is 100 times better!), whoopie pies, and cheese bread.
We also bought a key holder to hang on the wall in one of the last shops we visited. The lady there was great and apologetic that we came on a rainy day and told us about the "onion snow" and the farming in the area. It was interesting to hear and she was by far my favorite shop owner.
We had a good trip and slacked on the taking pictures part. We drove home the back way through Baltimore which ended up taking WAY longer than planned but decided to stop in at a Goodwill since we were still in need of a couch, coffee table, and kitchen table (we've been stopping at every thrift store we see and have had 0 luck). This time it paid off and we got a table and 3 chairs for $25. Hopefully once the weather gets a little nicer I can sand and paint them.
We really enjoyed our trip to Intercourse (haha) Pennsylvania, and it's definitely a place we will be going back to!

Ward date night (game night).

Tonight our ward here in PA had a game night for all the couples. We figured we should make an appearance and try to get to know some more people in the ward.
There was only 5 couples there (including us) and a few ladies without their husbands. All being at least 20 if not 30 years our senior.
We walked in as they were beginning "The Newly and Oldly Wed Game". There was 2 empty seats on stage that must have been waiting for us so we joined right in.
Nate and I came in 4th out of 5 but were tied for 3rd until the tiebreaker question which was "guess what  number I'm thinking of".
It was a really fun game and I'm glad we played even though like I said, everyone else there had been married 10 times longer!
The questions were things like:
- where did we first meet (which somehow I got wrong! What?!)
- what is [his] favorite meal that I cook
- what did [he] first notice about me
- where do we go to eat on a romantic evening
- what did we do on our first date
- what percent of housework would [he] say he does
- when I'm away does [Nate]
A. party
B. nap
C. clean

Like I said, we really enjoyed playing  and the generation gap never was an issue.
We have the best ward!
After that we snacked and talked with some of the other couples, and then all the ladies started playing Catch Phrase, which is probably my most favorite game!
2 funny stories happened here:
- whoever brought it had never opened it and it was the electronic version. NONE of these women could figure out how to get it to work! It was hilarious! They kept pushing the 'pause' button instead of the 'next' button and would then have to start the round all over! We were all dying of laughter! The women next to me who I really like kept asking me every time it came to her "now is this the button I push?" EVERY time! The relief society pres. was sitting across from me and every time that happened she would look and me and we would both laugh.
- the 2nd funny thing was one of the sisters who had the word "cookie sheet" and gave the clue "you put it in the oven, or sleep on it". When we finally figured it out I was like "this must be a generation thing, I have no idea why you would sleep on a cookie sheet". Then one of the ladies said "you sleep on a cookie sheet?!?!" And we realized she was just describing the word 'sheet' and didn't really mean you sleep on a cookie sheet. We all had a pretty good laugh about that one.

It was a really fun night and I'm really glad we went (even though Nate had to drag me out of the car). We played until 10pm! That is later than I have EVER stayed at ANY ward activity and especially with a bunch of "old" people! It was so much fun, I cannot believe how lucky we got to be in such an awesome ward!

On a side note, for the first time in my life I was asked how long I had been a member of the church, I thought that was cool. And I also think part of the reason I like this ward so well is because most of them are converts and have lived a "wordly" life so there is absolutely no judgment from anyone for anything and they are all open about it and are really great at teaching from their mistakes.

In other news, I made a curtain today. Just one, I didn't plan as well as I thought and didn't get enough fabric to finish the other. They aren't going to match exactly, but are the same idea and same color scheme. I'm excited to get the rest of the fabric I'll need to finish them tomorrow.
Here's a picture of the finished one.
I have learned that I like to sew, but don't really like to follow a pattern so ta-da!
(Maybe this is why my curtains aren't going to be exactly the same? Oh well).